
Shaggy, a Quarter Horse Gelding

Shaggy is a 22-year-old dark bay Quarter horse gelding who came to us from the same place that gave us Ozzy. He came to us seriously underweight (2 out of 9, 5 being ideal) and in need of a pedicure, as do most of the neglected horses that come to SAIN. But with us, he's getting healthy and loving his new home. He is at least 15 hands, though we haven't height taped him yet.

He came to us with his buddy, Daphne (but no sign of Scooby Doo or the Mystery Machine). It's clear they've been on capers together for some time -- they are quite bonded to each other. Both are easy to handle and both were amazing coming out of the trailer, so they have definitely had training and exposure. 

As we get to know these sweet horses more, we'll be updating this post.

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